Newsletter, Fall 2020

Fall Sale and New Product Release
New Product: Blacklite Pure, Low Ash.
Biochar made in CA purely from forestry residues. Basically the same as the old standard Blacklite Pure but with very low ash content, mineral content, or liming capacity. A filtration grade biochar with a wide range of applications.
$260 per ton, $70 per cubic yard
Sold out till November. Place an order now
A catered list of links helpful in planning your biochar and compost applications for improving soil health and crop yield
Ask an expert on our Contact Page
Field Trial Investigates Biochar in Vineyard, Summer 2020 Report(Pacific Biochar)
Biochar + Compostwhite paper (Pacific Biochar)
The 3R Principles for Applying Biochar to Improve Soil Health(Journal article, Soil Systems)