NRCS EQIP can provide financial assistance for biochar and compost applications! (FAQ)

USDA NRCS CPS Code 336, funding for biochar and compost via EQIP!
New Conservation Practice Standard will provide financial assistance for biochar and compost applications!
Check out our new FAQ page for the program
We’ve made a new web page featuring Frequently Asked Questions (and their answers) regarding the new Natural Resources Conservation Service’s Conservation Practice Standard for Soil Carbon Amendments, Code 336. This new Conservation Practice Standard creates a pathway for farms to get assistance for biochar applications via the Environmental Quality Incentives Program!
A sneak peak of the FAQ page:
Can you get federal assistance for biochar applications? yes
Can it pay for Pacific Biochar products? yes
Will it apply to my farm? maybe
click the link below to view the webpage we’ve put together as a resource to help navigate this new opportunity.