West Marin Compost
The West Marin Compost (WMC) project is a community-driven solution that benefits the environment, the agricultural community, the County and the local community. WMC takes in yard debris and various manures to create clean, effective, economical soil amendments. Biochar enhances the product line providing more sustainable, renewable resources to create healthy soils and carbon farming tools.
Location: 5575 Nicasio Valley Rd., Nicasio, CA 94946
Hours: Open Monday thru Saturday, 7:00 am – 3:30 pm
Phone: 415 662-9849
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Compost steaming on a cold morning in Marin
West Marin Compost is more than just a great compost yard
West Marin Compost Project (WMC) started in 2013 driven by the desire of local community to create local solutions to organic materials management. Since then WMC has been producing compost and mulches that meet the needs of the agricultural and landscape industry as well as the homeowner. They have also played a supportive role in providing compost to the Marin Carbon Project, now the California Carbon Project.
WMC is also a research site where Sintana Vergara of Whendee Silver’s lab at UC Berkeley is studying emissions from the composting process. It is the goal that these findings will help to accurately assess what impacts of a composting facility on the environment, if any, and offset those with the benefits that compost provides to the soil and our atmosphere. It is systems approach that really needs to guide us in how we approach affecting global warming. WMC is proud to play an active role in this endeavor.
Biochar is a new innovative product now carried by WMC. It improves soils in a sustainable, lasting way. Carbon is taken from the atmosphere, locking it into the earth for hundreds of years, thereby reducing greenhouse gases. Biochar may greatly enhance soil health, increase water holding capacity of your soil, conserve nutrients, and help proliferate microbial populations and diversity. WMC has pure biochar and biochar that has been activated during the composting process, fully charging the biochar with nutrients and microorganisms.

Will Bakx, standing on rice hulls and surrounded by many different ingredients he likes to use for good compost