Pacific Biochar is #1 in the world for durable carbon removal deliveries in 2023

Pacific Biochar is #1 in the World for Durable Carbon Removal Deliveries
As recently published in CDR.FYI’s 2023 Year in Review report, Pacific Biochar is #1 in the world for durable carbon removal deliveries. This is not just for biochar carbon removal, this is for all durable carbon removal categories.
Yeah, we think that’s pretty cool too.
2023 saw more than double the total global delivery volume made in 2022, and of the volume delivered, 21% was delivered by Pacific Biochar.
How did we do it? Someone cared, in fact, a lot of someones cared. Yup, all those credits were transacted on a voluntary market. People decided something needed doing, and are volunteering to help get it done. We’ve been working to sequester carbon for years, but until buyers showed up to pay for carbon removal, there really wasn’t much we could get done. So, we did it with you, we did it by the good grace of the climate action community that supports what we’re trying to do. Thank you.
“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.”
-Dr Seuss, the Lorax
See the full report here – 2023 Year in Review –