“Creating such a world takes the talents of many becoming masters of their art. Biochar is our niche. That is what we have chosen to focus on as our contribution to the collaborative effort.” -Josiah Hunt
Our Mission
Globally and collectively, we have the knowledge, the tools, and the luxury capital to save our species from an imminent suffering of our own creation. The generations living today have the honor to decide, whether by action or inaction, what our planets climate will be like for the next generations to come.
One evening I was reading a book to my son about marine life of the California Coast. Within the book there were sections that would show historic photographs of giant fish and obscenely abundant catches. He asked me “why is it not like that anymore?”. We all know the story, it is the same in so many places on land and in the sea. Thing’s just ain’t what they used to be. But it is not human nature to destroy. We do care, but most of the time we lack the foresight or collaborative efforts needed to avoid destruction. I want to do my part to create a future where our children and their children will thank us. They will look at books that showed how bad it got, and how we changed what was not working and made a better world for all of us to enjoy. A world where we as humans are masters of maintaining a balance with the air, water, and soils of this planet that provide us with abundance.